High Converting Sales Copy: Make Money From Home With Copywriting

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Let me show you how copywriting can change your life.

Whether you want to market it as a highly paid skill or save time and money by writing copy for your own business, you NEED to learn the art of persuasive writing.

You don't have to become a sleazy salesman. You don't have to hire someone else to do it. Even simply following a template will make a difference. Just grasping the BASIC concepts will do wonders for you.

Imagine BEING PAID for this skill INSTEAD of paying others using this copywriting course...

  • Need extra cash? You can outsource your new skills for others and help them make their offers a success

  • You NEVER need to spend money for someone else to do it, saving you thousands of dollars!

  • It's the most versatile skill in the world—use it in many other aspects of your life to persuade people to take an action you want

This is the skill that will open doors for you and your future. It will always be in demand and always be needed, even if the technological world collapses tomorrow.

Let me tell you a secret.

You don't have to be a great writer.

That's right. Copywriting is more dependent on the structure you use rather than coming up with fancy words. As Eugene Schwartz, one of the greatest copywriters in the world said, "Copy is never written. It is assembled."

Yes, it is a skill that takes time to build and perfect, but knowing how to follow the right structure will actually take you 80% of the way there.

And that boost is more than enough to get your offer converting like crazy.

I used to be the worst copywriter in the world, but once I learned how to structure it… now I get paid THOUSANDS to write a sales page. And I've saved thousands more in the process by being able to write my own copy rather than paying others.

I don't even look for clients, these days they come to me because they recognize the power of good copy.

Copywriting has long been used to turn what was once unsuccessful into something that people couldn't walk past.

And I will show you exactly how you can harness your new skill to its potential so you're never leaving money on the table again.

Don't let your offer fall flat… Introducing High Converting Sales Copywriting!

You'll learn:

  • Become the FREEBIE CONVERTER: The methods I use to turn strangers and freebie seekers into real devoted customers

  • Master the NUDGE OF CONFIDENCE: Why some people won't buy from you, no matter how good your product is—and how to give them that extra nudge

  • Unleash the POWER OF FREE: Did you know you have to sell everything you create, even if you're not charging anything? This is why.

  • Turn on your VALUE RADAR: Charge too little and people think your work is cheap, but charge too much and people lose interest. Here's how to price with confidence and authority.

  • Enjoy the LAZY MAN’S PROFITS: I'll explain the method I use to add very useful (and very expensive) systems to your sales pyramid—and you don't have to lift a finger until you get paid!

  • Learn the MAGNETIC QUESTION: The one question you should be asking that will translate your product's features into customer magnets

  • Tap into the CASH COW FAN: Why once you get people to like you, the price won't matter as much

  • Learn the MAGIC SENTENCE: This sentence creates 80% of your results plus three ways to make it work quickly and effectively

  • Discover the TRUST FACTOR: When and why you should use a long form sales page—and how to get people to trust and believe in you

  • Attain the IRRESISTIBLE VOICE: Why 'just the facts' are never enough to keep people reading your entire sales page

  • Get the TIME TRAVEL METHOD: How to go 'back to the future' and reach people who are depressed, hurting and have a gap in their situation (and that's most people)

  • Uncover the BELIEVABILITY TECHNIQUE: The difference between 'writing something nice' that gets people to agree and actually getting them to believe what you're saying

Every step of this process is broken down into bite-sized pieces with action steps at the end of every video. That means if you follow the steps you could have your first sales page draft FINISHED TODAY.

The way people respond to a great sales structure hasn’t changed. So once you've mastered this structure you can apply it to ANY of your future sales pages. It's the model that keeps on giving.

Develop Copywriting Skills

The dirty little secret of copywriting is that it’s not about fancy words…it’s about the structure. You can say the wrong things in the right order and experience massive success as a copywriter. That’s the foundation you will learn right out the gate with this program.

With the right order, your sales pages, landing pages, and opt-ins will start to convert and you can experience real success.

Improve Your Content Marketing

Copywriting isn’t just about sales pages, all of your content can become more compelling. Why do we click on some Instagram images and skip others? Why are some posts interesting while we skip right past others? Turn every blog post into a mini-sales page and watch every part of your business increase.

Laser Focus on Your Target Audience

Your message is only for your ideal customer. Use the language and structure that appeals to that demographic to boost your sales into the stratosphere. The right metaphors and language can turn a dead SalesPage into a conversion monster.

Craft the Perfect Headline

The headline truly is everything. Without a great headline, the rest of your page will get ignored. Capture attention within the first sentence and you can double your conversion rates on day one.

Build Compelling Landing Pages

Some landing pages seem to have a magic element that forces visitors to enter their email address. This secret structure can turn your duds into your superstars. This course is designed to help copywriters with every single step of the customer journey. Starting with the very first lead capture.

Master Multiple Types of Copy

This course will give you the skills to improve your website copy, email marketing, digital ads, product descriptions, blog posts, and video scripts. The core principles of good copy apply to everything from billboards to radio ads to video sales letters. You will have a foundational skip you can use to make money in any market.

Build a Portfolio of Copywriting Examples

Want to make money will you learn? In this program, you will start to build out a portfolio of example pages that will convert leads into high-paying customers. You deserve to get paid a premium for every word you write. The right samples will get you there.

Master the Art of Advertising

I study ads as far back as 1880. The principles that worked then still work now. It’s amazing to see how compelling an ad for a product from before our grandparents were born still motivates us to take action. You will learn skills that work in any medium and any technology.

Landing Page Conversion Rates that Beat the Industry Standard

According to ImpactPlus, the average landing page conversion rate is 2.35%. Unbounce clocks it in a little higher at 4.02%. While these seem pretty good, they don’t come even close to the numbers you’ll put on the board with my program.

The worst landing page in this campaign is converting above 85%. How would your business change if you could turn 17 out of every 20 visitors into a customer?

Here are even more of my landing pages across different REAL campaigns ranging from giveaways to webinars and the lowest number is still more than thirty times better than the “industry average”

These numbers still work.

I ran a test campaign this month using this system and it converted at a whopping 86%

Every bump in your landing page conversion rates will increase the conversion rates of every other part of your business. Bumping a landing page from 2 to 3% is a 50% increase in how many people see every single email you send and every sales page you promote.

The Art of Email Copywriting

I’ve sent north of 20 MILLION emails to master this process. With open rates that crush the competition and click rates that most people only dream of, you’ll be able to build a real business…even if your mailing list starts out small.

By maximizing every part of the customer journey, you will maximize every chance for more profit.

I’ve sent millions of emails to my customers, subscribers, and followers from multiple email platforms. And you get access to all of that experience when you dive into this copywriting course. Expect your business to grow exponentially.

Sales Pages that Convert

This is where the rubber meets the right. You need a strategy to turn website visitors into dollars….now you have it. These sales pages convert higher than most people’s opt in pages. With campaigns like this, any marketing agency would be lucky to have you on their team.

Working on your own you can sell more of your own products and put a smile on every client's face.

Building your own products can be scary if you don’t have the ability to write your own sales page. Instead of paying a stranger thousands of dollars or a percentage of sales, take the reins on your business and real money as a product creator.

Affiliate Copywriting

Copywriting is a skill that will help every part of your business. Would you like to make thousands or tens of thousands of dollars from a single email? Would you like to win promotional contest prizes of $6,000?

These are real numbers from products I’ve promoted and you can replicate them when you follow this writing system. Copywriting is more than a job…it’s a career.

I’ve opened the kimono to show you my personal stats. I want you to experience the exact same success, whether it’s growing your following, selling your own products, or selling somebody else’s. This writing program has got you covered.

Copywriting Can Improve Every Part of Your Online Business

  • Social Media Profiles - You get one chance to turn a profile visitor into a customer. There is a flow that you can use to convert them. My clubhouse course shows you exactly how copywriting works on social networks and how I made 5k within two weeks.

  • Make Money as a Freelance Copywriter - You can make money while you’re still going through this program. Find clients who will pay you far more than the price of this course for your very first project. I want you to recover your investment as quickly as possible and what better way to build out your copywriting examples.

  • Improve Your Affiliate Profits - I often get asked, “is affiliate marketing worth it?” The answer is in the profit images I just shared with you. Copywriting is a big part of generating those sales. The more your emails are opened the more sales you will make in every single promotion.

  • Learn How to Become a Content Writer - I started out creating products and writing books for clients.  I'll show you how I went from $800 a project to $40,000 as a ghostwriter.  When you combine content and copywriting...you're bulletproof.

  • Write More Compelling Blog Posts - Starting a blog is easy. Getting visitors is the hurdle. With good copy, visitors will stay longer on your website, leave more comments and share more on social media. Turn your blog into a traffic magnet.

ACT NOW for these AMAZING bonuses and Never Pay for Copywriting Services again!


Video sales letters are POWERFUL. I used to have to go outside and find exactly the right time to film and they never turned out as well as I thought—but now I can show you four different ways to make an incredible sales letter based on your own challenges! Mastering the art of video sales letters will really boost your conversions. Now that you've got the written sales letter down it's time to take that and turn it into an attention-grabbing sales machine.


Has a customer bought something off your main sales page? Those guys are the VIPs. I'm about to show you how to make the most of your upsells so that they continue to buy and get the most out of what you teach. Make no mistake, everyone is NOT going to buy in, but you don't need them to. It only takes helping a few people at higher levels to make it a success for EVERYONE involved.


This is one of the most amazing things I've offered for free. Ultimately, your long-term income isn't going to come from great sales pages… it's going to come from having regular contact with people via email. Email marketing isn't dead at all, in fact, it's the KEY to your business surviving in the long term. This could be an entire course within itself, but it's the best I know about email marketing, and it's yours.


Still stuck? The best way to learn is to look at some real-life examples! Here we're going to go through NINE sales pages across different niches to analyze what works and what doesn't. From fitness to boat plans, I'll walk you through a bunch of offers that have converted quite well. You can take these other structures and use it to reverse engineer your sales pages!


A fifth bonus?! That's right, I'm spoiling you rotten with yet another bonus to kickstart your copywriting. Don't reinvent the wheel, copy mine instead. You don't need to make it difficult for yourself, following a template is the best way to succeed, especially in the beginning. With this extra bonus, you can be sure that you'll never run out of structures that work!

So… there are a few different options you could take right now…

OPTION #1 — Hire A Copywriter

Have you ever hired a copywriter before? Even just a quick look at some of the top-rated freelancers shows that their prices are quite high… And rightly so! Copywriting is a valuable skill.

To commission someone else to do just ONE project for you is easily going to jump into the thousands. And like most entrepreneurs, I'm sure you've got multiple offers planned or even ready to sell. The price can definitely be worth it, and many offers convert well into the thousands.

But do you have that kind of money to invest upfront? For a copywriter who's going to do the job well, it's going to cost you. Again and again.

OPTION #2 — Try To Learn Copywriting By Yourself

You could scour the internet for hours, enroll in all the free courses and download as many free guides as you can. You could take the old school way and copy out advertisements by hand until you understand how they work.

I actually recommend doing this. It's going to take a TON of your time… but if you don't have the money to spend this is the cheap option. Of course, life will get in the way, the urge to procrastinate is strong, and it's a grueling process. You'll get there eventually if you've got the right mindset.

Or you could invest in yourself and take control of your future.

What would it be worth to you to learn these skills for yourself?

You'll never have to hire someone. You won't waste valuable time chasing after the wrong things or scrambling for the next step.

You won't have to struggle to be heard above the noise anymore. You'll know the exact order to put your words in so people will be ATTRACTED to your offers.

And you'll have a guide right alongside you to take you from a copywriting newbie to sales page pro, as well as a dedicated Facebook community that will support you on your journey.

One day you could even be charging those prices yourself.

This copywriting skill is not a one-off thing. You'll be using and strengthening it for life.

What will it be?

Grab High Converting Sales Copy today!

Frequently Asked Questions about This Copywriting Course

What is direct response copywriting?

Speaking directly through the customer, rather than through someone else’s website allows you to keep the largest part of every sale possible. Why give a big box store the lion’s share of the profit for your hard work? Radio commercials, mail, email, and infomercials are all amazing examples of direct response. The skills you gain in this copywriting program will help you in every single one of these markets.

What is email copywriting?

Writing an email to a friend is easy…writing an email to a stranger asking them to buy something can be scary. Now it will be smooth as butter. When you know what your customer wants to read you can write emails that they are excited to read and send them to programs they want to buy. They will send you thank you letters for products they bought like this one:

How long does it take to learn to copywrite?

This is a tough one to answer because you can spend the rest of your life getting better. The real question is how long will it take to start making money as a copywriter. And that could happen as early as this month. If you take the time to go through this program and start looking for clients, you can get paid while you’re learning. People who take fast action tend to recover their investment within sixty days of starting this program.

How does this compare to copywriting books?

There are loads of books out there filled with amazing information. This is a video course for people who like to learn in a more dynamic fashion. Sometimes I need to see some slides and hear a voice. We all learn in different ways. There are loads of great copywriting books in my library. This is the distillation of all that knowledge into a single course.

What if I've never written a word of copy before?

That’s amazing! I love working with people who have zero bad habits. You are a clean slate and starting from zero is amazing. You’ll experience the results the fastest. Copywriting isn’t about using fancy words; it’s about following the correct order for each type of advertisement. You’ll learn that structure in this program and start to see results with your very first page.

English is not my native language.

The beauty of a program that focuses on structure rather than linguistic tricks is that it is universal. Whether you are creating pages in English or your native language, following my structures will give you a massive leg up. Instead of working from a blank page and struggling to make anything work, you’ll have a template to follow. And that is so much easier.

Can I just hire copywriting services?

The last copywriter I paid was ten thousand dollars. And the sales page flopped. The numbers were so bad that the entire project died. You are more than welcome to spend a lot more than this course paying strangers to do the work for you and if you need a recommendation of a copywriter I’ve trained, please feel free to message me. I’ll connect you with someone who took this program. They all start at $1,000 for the first sales page.

If you prefer to spend thousands of dollars later rather than the super reasonable price you see on this page, then I will support you with a smile on my face.

If you are ready to take control and have other people pay you fees like that, then it’s time to take action and place your order right now.

*This product is extremely cheap for what info is inside. There is no refund guarantee. 

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Every single step from the headline to the PS of killer sales pages in this epic video course. Become a master copywriter with this in-depth training.

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High Converting Sales Copy: Make Money From Home With Copywriting

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